





Grand rue – 30330 LE PIN (France)

Tél : +33 (0) 4 66 82 52 55

Mob : +33 (0) 6 48 27 76 82

SIRET : 510470412 00014

Code APE : 4932Z

Authorizations of taxi : Le Pin - Pougnadoresse

Certificate of registration in the Register of Operators of Touring Car with Driver n°EVTC030110007

License delivered by the Ministry of Transport n°2014/91/0000679


Intellectual and industrial property rights:

The provence-taxi-tour.com website and its copyright are protected in accordance with Book I, Titles I and II of the legislative provisions in the French Intellectual Property Code.
Consequently, any utilisation of the products, including the entire website of provence-taxi-tour.com or part of it, is not admissible without written authorisation.
In accordance with common law provisions, TAXI PROVENCE TOURS can hold their visitors contractually liable or institute legal proceedings on grounds of unfair or abusive competition if specific provisions are violated.
An internet user may not communicate any product including the entire website provence-taxi-tour.com or part of it to third parties, even if they are legally different from it, against payment or free of charge, directly by communication of original data or indirectly through a combined form of said data.
The internet user may not modify, reproduce or adapt any product including the entire website provence-taxi-tour.com or part of it and the data contained therein (including photos). The internet user may not copy by any means whatsoever, download, market, resell, distribute, transmit, publish, automatically download in any form whatsoever any data available or hosted on the provence-taxi-tour.com website.
Any abusive appropriation of rights to dissemination will be subject to sanctions in conformity with the regulatory and statutory provisions concerning copyright and producer rights under the French Intellectual Property Code.


Any reproduction, representation or utilisation, even on a partial basis, by any process whatsoever, carried out without the written consent of TAXI PROVENCE TOURS is prohibited and illegal. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may lead to claims being asserted under civil and criminal law against the infringing party.
Moreover, any third party owners of infringed contents of any kind whatsoever are entitled to initiate legal proceedings against the infringing parties.
This provision also applies to any casual internet users.